Alexandria – Cernetu – Putineiu – Vieru – Giurgiu
58 km 2 h 30 min
The route starts from the Central Park of Alexandria (50 m above sea level and -0.8% slope) and goes to the Eastern exit of the city. After crossing the Veda River (km 1.7, 57 m above sea level, 5.3% slope) the trail changes to the South after the river and begins a steep climb to the highest point of the route at km 5.8 (90 meters altitude and 0.4% slope). From there on, the route begins to descend, with altitude differences, passing through vast agricultural areas in the area of Cernetu. Here the route crosses the Teleorman River (km 14.5, 33 m above sea level, 2.1% slope) and changes its direction to the West. After passing through Teleorman, the route starts slowly and steadily climbing (up to 24.5 km), followed by a relatively flat ride(up to 30.8 km). From that moment on, a slow descent to Putineiu begins. The crossing of the settlement and the valley passing through it (km 37.1, 65 m above sea level, 0.8% slope) is characterized by an area of climbs and descents. At the exit from Hodivoaia (km 42.4; 81 m above sea level; 1.5% slope) begins a steep descent, extending to Vieru (km 44.8; 23 m above sea level). From here, the route is fairly flat, with slight altitudes, and slightl descends with the approach of Giurgiu. The route ends in the Danube Star Park in Giurgiu (km 58.1, 18 m above sea level, -0.8% slope). A nice viewing point and tourist attraction in Giurgiu is the crossing of the bridge over the Danube to Rousse. |